At Yogavaas, free yoga workshops are conducted  for the socially challenged groups of the society. Therefore, focus of  our free yoga workshops is sensitizing people towards incorporating yoga in their daily life. In our free yoga workshops,we largely talk about how easy it is to achieve physical health with yogasnas and yogic nutrition and mental health with meditation and psychotherapy.

We customize free sessions for govt institutions, govt aided schools, hospitals, non-profit organizations and any body or group who wants to spread the awareness of incorporating yoga in their lives.We also work for rural community and people who live in far away places . Our focus groups also include deprived groups of our society. Moreover, our aim is to spread awareness in these groups to adopt yoga,nutrition, and awareness about mental health  for their good health.

The duration of the workshops is 45min-60min. The options for workshops are in-person or webinar.

Below details will help you pick the best option for workshop.

Webinar with Rishi 45-60 minAn interactive discussion and a Q and A session with the audience. Content/ topics are customized.
In-person event with Rishi45-60 minIn-person event with Rishi An interactive discussion and a Q and A session with the audience. Content/ topics are customized

The topics of our workshops can be curated as per need of your group. The specific areas that we pick for the groups to work on are:

  • Mental Health- with Jnana Yoga techniques and how to incorporate yoga in daily life.We also provide psychological well being techniques.
  • Likewise our focus also is Psychological well being
  • Physical Health-Ancient Hatha Yoga techniques to improve physical wellness
  • Nutrition imbalance-Yogic nutrition tips to help you work on nutrition deficit

Hence, the underlying theme of all the topics of our workshop are what positive impact yoga can bring into your life. Our workshops focus on how yoga can be incorporated into daily life. We give ancient yogic techniques to you which you can apply and see the results. Our team ideates the sessions with the purpose of creating yogic awareness. At Yogavaas , we certainly and truly believe that yogic wisdom can bring positive life changing impact in our lives . And through our workshops we impart the workable ancient yogic techniques which help in living a completely healthy life.

Other workshop details at Paid Workshops