Yoga for good health

Yoga for Good health

Practicing yoga with discipline and perseverance can bring about significant and transformative benefits, leading to a life that is improved. Discover here how engaging in yoga contributes to the creation of a lifestyle that is nearly free from diseases.

In the present day, many adults in India are battling numerous health issues attributed to their unhealthy lifestyles. The practice of yoga induces cellular changes that promote overall well-being in individuals.

In our nation, everyone above the age of 18 is considered an adult. For these adults to lead healthy lives and commit to maintaining a wellness-focused lifestyle, yoga plays an important role. Some prevalent diseases affecting adults in India include diabetes, with the country being the global epicenter of this condition. It is disheartening to witness individuals as young as 35 relying on daily medication for issues such as high blood pressure and backaches. Conditions like PCOD are a significant challenge for women, and cases of heart attacks and related ailments are surfacing at as early as 45 years of age.

Dependence on gadgets such as mobile phones, smart TVs, the internet, smartphones, as well as various other devices has become a norm. These gadgets have taken control of their lives, contributing to a decline in the overall happiness levels of our society.

However, life can be revolutionized through disciplined yoga practice.

As adults, many of us recall a time when the prevalence of such gadgets was minimal, coinciding with a period of high activity levels. Breaking free from gadgets requires proactive efforts from adults, especially those experiencing health issues. Taking personal initiative is crucial for getting the benefits. In this context, the wisdom of Gautam Buddha’s phrase, “Atma Deepo Bhav”, holds great relevance. It encourages individuals to be their own light bearers, finding their path without dependency on others. Attaining this enlightened stage, often facilitated by Hatha Yoga, enables adults to understand and confront the real problems and challenges in their lives. Yoga and Pranayama instill the principles of perseverance, empowering students to achieve absolute victory in their endeavors. Through yoga asanas and Pranayama, practitioners learn to use the gravitational force of the earth. This helps them control over both body and mind.

Recognizing that problems in abdominal organs often lead to other bodily ailments, ancient yogic sages and gurus extensively studied and researched abdominal muscles. Their focus was on naturally toning these muscles, as issues in the abdomen are often the root cause of various health problems. Yoga aids in increasing the contraction of abdominal organs, promoting smooth digestion, a good metabolism, and, to a considerable extent, a leaner and fitter physique.

We sincerely hope that elucidating these health benefits will draw you closer to embracing yoga as a way of life.


Author – Rishi Singh
Date Published: 28th June 2021
Certified Yoga & Meditation Trainer from Sri Sri School of Yoga, Bangalore.
Creating customized online yoga programs for students
Residing in Jaipur, Rajasthan,India
Details of the work profile @ #Yogaseeker #YogaTherapist # LifeStyleCoach #Naturelover #SeekerofCosmos



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