Yoga for Disability

Here we will understand why and how of Yoga for disability.A disability is a compromised ability in areas such as vision, hearing, motor/physical skills, or cognition, either individually or in combination.Yoga for disability is tweaking as per the physical compromised ability.

For yoga trainers, it’s essential to recognize various types of disabilities and understand how interventions as well as adaptations are necessary. Additionally, it’s crucial to acknowledge that disabilities fall within a spectrum, ranging from mild to moderate and moderate to severe, each requiring specific adjustments and support from the yoga trainer.

Furthermore ,to understand Yoga for Disability completely, let us understand the ways in which the practice of yoga can be beneficial for individuals with different disabilities.


Types of Disabilities:

Deafness refers to a significant hearing impairment where an individual faces challenges in processing linguistic information.

Hearing impairment refers to a deficiency in hearing that hinders the day-to-day performance.

Orthopedic impairment refers to a substantial impairment in the musculoskeletal system that negatively impacts day-to-day performance.

Learning disability refers to a disruption in one or more fundamental psychological processes essential for comprehending or utilizing language, whether spoken or written. This condition may manifest as an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or perform mathematical calculations. It also includes conditions such as perceptual challenges, brain injuries, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.

Other health impairment refers to restricted strength, vitality, or alertness, leading to limited responsiveness in the educational setting. The underlying causes of such health impairments can stem from chronic or acute health issues, including conditions like asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), diabetes, and various other health challenges.

Emotional disturbance refers to a condition involving the inability to learn, difficulty in establishing or sustaining satisfactory relationships, inappropriate behavioral patterns, feelings of unhappiness, depression, and physical symptoms associated with fear.

Intellectual Disability is characterized by a significantly below-average level of general intellectual functioning, coupled with deficits in adaptive behavior. This condition becomes apparent during the developmental period and has an adverse impact on a child’s overall performance.

Autism is a developmental disability that significantly influences both verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as social interaction. Typically apparent before the age of three, this condition adversely affects a child’s educational performance.


Benefits of Yoga for people with disabilities:

Implementing yoga programs in schools for children with disabilities promotes inclusivity, allowing children with disabilities to actively participate in mainstream activities. The extends to adults as well.

Introducing yoga for children with disabilities not only has the potential to bring joy and upliftment to the children but also contributes to fostering a positive and joyful environment overall. This positive impact extends similarly to adults participating in such programs.

Simultaneously, the inclusion of children with disabilities in yoga programs within schools cultivates a sense of respect among children without disabilities. It fosters understanding and compassion, encouraging them to treat their peers with disabilities as equals. This inclusive and empathetic mindset carries over to adults as well.

Whether practiced individually within a group setting or individually, both children and adults with disabilities can embrace yoga as an integral part of their health regimen.


Individuals/groups that can benefit from our program:

Schools for Children with Disabilities: Including those with various disabilities listed above.

Individuals with Disabilities: Including single individuals coping with the abovementioned disabilities.

Groups Involving Children and Individuals with Disabilities: Including both children and adults with various disabilities, as categorized above.

Note: Our program is adaptable for online conduction if needed.


Program Description:

Our program is designed to guide you in effectively managing disabilities in a health-conscious manner.

We work on three foundational pillars of well-being: physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. Our approach involves addressing each of these aspects systematically.

Taking into consideration individual food habits and patterns, we offer balanced and suitable yogic dietary practices.

Tailored for the group, we craft yoga asanas to instruct proper technique, ensuring they are easy for the participants.

We make sure that the asanas and their techniques are pain-free and avoid pushing students to extremes, ensuring accessibility and ease of practice.

We introduce yoga asanas and exercise routines that are easily achievable.

Most importantly, we also provide proper guidance on rest patterns.


What our program offers:

Tailored yoga asanas

Appropriate lifestyle changes

Yogic dietary guidance

Surya Namaskar technique

Mild and effective cardio for proper blood circulation




Operational framework of our program:

Our yoga therapist hosts two weekly yoga sessions, either in-person or online, for the group.

There are a total of 24 such yoga sessions over the course of three months.

The yoga therapist guides the class group in performing asanas with the correct technique.

Our senior nutritionist organizes an online/in-person one-day workshop with the group to explore food patterns and lifestyle.

Following the one-day workshop, our nutritionist leads another online/in-person session to discuss the specific foods to include and avoid, providing guidance tailored to the group. In total three sessions are conducted by our Senior Nutritionist.

Our mental health psychologist arranges an online/in-person one-day workshop with the group, focusing on the silent impact of stress on our lives.

Following the one-day workshop, the mental health psychologist leads the group through another online/in-person session, delving into strategies for managing stress. In total three sessions are conducted by our Counseling Psychologist.

As the program approaches its conclusion, a set of general guidelines is provided to the target group. During this session, the yoga therapist, nutritionist, and mental health psychologist offer guidance on how to independently navigate the wellness journey.


Program Cost

For a single individual taking this program (online): 50,000/- for 3 months

For a group of 10-15 taking this program (webinar or in-person): 5,00,000/- for 3 months



Enroll here for Yoga in Disability Program

Enroll here for Group Yoga Therapy in Disability
